Thank-you Chole for nominating me for the Liebster Award- you should check out Chloe’s style at because its ACE!!
Now to the rules:
• You must answer all questions that are given to you
• Must link back to the person that nominated you
• Nominate 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers
• Provide nominees with 11 questions of your choice
• Cannot nominate the person who nominated you
• Must inform nominees of your nomination
• Provide nominees with a link to your post for more info
My answers are....
1. What influenced you to start your blog?
My friends/family and even strangers on the street (!) have commented on my style. I don’t really fit in with the crowd. So I decided post my outfits to the world. PLUS, my sister is a fashion student and persuaded me to start a blog!

  2. What celebrity influences your style the most?
I don’t really follow celebrities style, instead I look to the streets - its the best way to connect with fashion. I am a firm believer of feeling comfortable in what you wear and the most ‘stylish’ people are unlikely to be those following the trends! I found the Vogue Festival very inspirational, was a good 'un!

3. Foundation or mascara?
Mascara all the way - I don’t really wear foundation!

4. If you could live a day in the life of anyone, who would you choose and why?
Ronan Atkinson- although this would require me to change gender- I just want to be him. And because I LOVE what he does.

5. Your top 3 wardrobe staples?
Doc Martens, leather jacket and palazzo pants - particularly floral (sooooo comfy).

6. What 3 products (make up or skin care) could you not live without?
Mac Lipstick - Morange, the cheapest mascara I can find and a bit of Clinique concealer for the odd break out.

7. What is your favourite film?
 Dirty Dancing - I've watched it countless times!

8. What is your favourite colour?

9. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose and why?
Australia would be amazing, I’m hoping to find some work out there for my placement year at university…

10. If you could choose 5 things to take to a desert island, what would they be?
Ah Man this is a hard question - a toothbrush and toothpaste (what can I say my Dad’s a dentist) and to the clothes- a maxi dress, a baggy dress and is that five….. and a jumpsuit!!

11. Who is your favourite blogger?
My favourite blogger is Lua from LE HAPPY - the world probably loves her but so do I.

The nominees are….
1.Blonde Stuff
2.One Up Style
4.Me Myself and Moda
6.Halfway to New York
7.The Colorful Closet
8.Parts of Me
9.A Glimpse of Glitter
10.Mirror Avenue
11.Chasing Wonders

Here are my questions…..
1. Who is your idol?
2. How would you describe your style?
3. What'a your favourite Disney film?
4. Has anyone been rude about your style and explain?
5. Vintage or high street?
6. What is your favourite piece of clothing?
7. Who is your favourite fashion designer?
8. What is your favourite film for fashion inspiration?
9. Flats or heels?
10. What is your favourite magazine?
11. What is your favourite book?


  1. Thank you so much for nominating me. I've already been nominated and did the Liebster Award just yesterday I guess. You can check it out here if you want to :)


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